I have a squash growing in the garden that I can't identify - it is enormous and almost perfectly round like a pumpkin. I was given seedlings earlier in the Summer simply labeled "squash", so this must be one of those. I am calling it the "BYS" (big yellow squash).
Jimmy Page and the Yardbirds Played a Cincinatti High School Prom
*“Jimmy’s first question was, ‘Why are you dressed like that?’ ” Pelley
told me. “I said, ‘You’re playing at our prom.’ And he said, ‘What the fuck
is a pr...
i have the same squash !! no idea what it is, i found your question when looking ! :P
I have the same problem! I bought what wad labeled as spaghetti squash but it's huge and round and looks like regular squash when I cut it open.
I have the same squash. No one I talk to can identify it. Wish i knew what it wss.
exactly the same problem - must be being sold fairly commonly - wish I knew what it is exactly - one fruit I have is now beach ball size !
I, too, have the same squash. A start was given to me. It was planted the 1st week in July, 2017 and has taken over half my garden. It's been fun to watch it grow and turn into a killer vine. LoL
Same issue. Does anyone know what this is or how big to let it grow
We also have BYS! Can't identify it, not sure what it is, but they sere from a packet of "Butternut" from Jungs seeds. Maybe Jungs is working on a crazy fast growing beachball squash hybrid and accidently leaked the seeds. Either way, we are entering this mamouth it the county fair- is it ok to call it the BYS?
It could be a young Big Max pumpkin. They are a hybrid between a squash and a pumpkin and get very large. They are yellow when they are young. If you look up a pic of a Big Max pumpkin growing on a vine, you will see a young pumpkin is round and yellow.
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