Friday, November 7, 2008

Billies and Bullies

Meet Norman, Bucko, Number Seven and Number Ten. Norman and Bucko are our male billy goats. Norman is small, yet has the largest horns in the whole herd, which the ladies seem to love. He is affectionate and funny. Bucko is an enormous goat with a single deformed horn that grips his head. He kind of resembles Satan. The very distinctive smell of Billy goats "in season" is a combination of urine, molasses and burning rubber. Not entirely unpleasant, if you can believe it, or maybe I've been on the farm too long!



There are two alpha female goats in the herd who are so aggressive and dominant, I have to tether them up after they are milked, or else they will bully all of the other goats as they come out of the milking room. They are very sweet to me (don't bite the hand that feeds!) but I have witnessed these two in full-on mountain goat style head butting matches, and goring the other goats with their horns. Exactly like bullies at school, the other goats avoid these two as much as they can. As you can see, Number 10 is fat, as she is so good at dominating the food and getting what she wants.

Number Seven

Number Ten


Socks said...

Urine, molasses and burning rubber, what lovely notes for my new fragrance Eau de Cass Avenue.

Miss you guys!

delsayed said...

That Norman is pretty sexy!

sue kurta said...
