Saturday, February 28, 2015

just do it

I finished my fourth 60-day Bikram yoga challenge today.

the sucky parts:

- it's inconvenient - you have to base your whole day around getting to the studio and taking the class, which is 90 minutes long.  Working out alleviates stress, but HAVING to get to the studio creates it
- my lower back and neck hurt, and it's been a bad hair day for two months straight
- it's really, really hard
- I love the practice, but do not like the negative reinforcement they preach

the great parts:

- Winter is super tough here, so being in the hot room every day is great
- my head is clear
- my body is strong
- it's really, really hard
- the discipline to stop whatever you are doing that day and go to a yoga class, because you've committed to doing it, is great 
- doing it the hard way, no matter how much I hate it that day
- I am proud of myself

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