Wednesday, May 2, 2018

his return

Most of you reading this know that my beloved rabbit Timothy disappeared for three weeks, and I assumed he had died.  Last Friday morning, there he was in the hen yard, returned from wherever he had been, or awakened from whatever had happened to him.  My theories:
- He really IS the Easter Bunny, and was a few weeks late getting back from his rounds
- Snow falling from the barn roof hit him and he was in some kind of coma or knocked out and was sleeping it off
- He witnessed the murder of Tukka and was so traumatized, he went underground for 3 weeks. A weasel killed Tukka a day before Timothy went missing
- He was sick, and as animals do, healed himself down in the burrow
Whatever the answer, words cannot express the joy I felt seeing my bunny friend back again.  

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