Monday, November 18, 2019

come play upon my harp of joy

My new dog Charlie has been destructive chewing.  5 pairs of pants, countless pairs of underwear, my duvet, the arms of a loveseat.  Here is how she customized a cushion on my old couch last week.  The thing is, I hate that couch.  It came with me from NYC, and was second-hand in the first place. I had it reupholstered, Max peed on it for 7 years, and now this.  I wanted and needed a new couch.

So I went to Goodwill today, where I found this perfect, vintage couch and foot stool in great condition, exactly what I was looking for

Yellow tags were half off, so the couch and stool cost $17.50

I also found this cute little pink bench - the seat opens up to a storage area  $15

Children's books were $0.10, so I got these, the best being the Shaker Peaceable Kingdom book from 1978, which is beautifully illustrated and has thoughtful quotes

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