Sunday, May 3, 2020

hello Coco

A neighbor of my parents has a friend who went into hospice and needed to re-home her cat.  With shelters closed and nobody willing to take her in, I said yes, but it's been quite a week so far. I have named her Coco - she arrived with no collar, no food, no information.  She is sweet and tame, but was understandably freaked out when she got here.  I put her in my basement where the litter box is, and the dogs have no access to.  That was last Wednesday...the day she disappeared.  My basement is a cavernous place, with many places to hide, including access to the crawl space underneath the house.  I put food and water down there and tried to call to her several times a day, to no avail.  As the days passed, I was getting worried.  Mabel, my cat from several years ago, lived in my basement for TWO YEARS, (see link) and while she was safe and warm, I don't want that situation again.

So last night I borrowed my neighbors live trap, and I caught her.  I have moved her to an upstairs bedroom, which has sunlight and quiet.  I hope she can integrate into the family and with the other pets.  Before I let her out, I am going to get a collar with a bell, so at least I know where she is as she gets more run of the house and farm.

Cute bonus: she has 6 toes on three of her paws!

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