Friday, June 11, 2010

my boring chicken names

I have 15 chickens, two each of six breeds, and three of a seventh.  So there's two of every chicken, and you can't really tell them apart except in a few instances (like Tiny).  The names are based on their breeds, and there is one name per two chickens:

Leghorns (like the model above): WHITEY
Australorps: BLACKIE or SINISTER (they look like vampire chickens)
Buff Orpingtons: BUFFY (the fat girls of the flock)
Golden Laced Wyandotte: GOLDIE
Silver Laced Wyandotte: SILVER, and of course TINY (they have the prettiest feather pattern)
Rhode Island Red: RED (the old school breed)
Araucana: OWL (these ones lay the blue eggs and they look like owls, not chickens)

Ooops, it looks like you've dozed off ...


Socks said...

When I come visit, we'll give them some proper Detroit girl names.

Anonymous said...

I want to see the owl ones - k