Friday, July 12, 2013

let me live with you

oh please
Ivan (Buford) belongs to some nice people who live about a mile and a half from my farm.  He loves Max & Cozy, and the other morning I was up early for the farmer's market, and heard a low growl outside my office window - it was Ivan, who snuck away from home and camped out at my place.  I went out to greet him, and when I left for the market he chased my car for half a mile down the road.  Afraid he would get hit, I loaded him in the car to take him to his home (this was 6AM, before the market), but when I got there he wouldn't get out of the car.  I took his tie-out from their porch, hooked it to his collar, and had to pull him out.  I would adopt him in a minute, but you can't just take someone's dog.  I love him and think maybe some day he will end up here for one reason or another.  He's a great dog.

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