Friday, June 28, 2019


One of my favorite MCM houses in Traverse City had a bunch of stuff on the porch and a sign that said 'FREE' - here are the books I took

and the vintage post cards

and embroidered hot pad

and 1970s Meijers paper bag


Kirsten said...

Hello Sue. For some reason, this 18th year anniversary of 9/11 has me thinking of you, and the memories of that time. I hope you are well and happy. To come across the Naples FL vintage postcard image on your blog threw me for a loop. I go there often with my partner of five years, Bill, and we plan to move there in time. It seemed to be a reason to send you a note, just the coincidence of it.

No need to respond if you don't want to. I just wish you well and I hope life is joy for you.

To days gone by!
Kirsten : )

Sue Kurta said...

Kirsten - thanks for your message and it is great to hear from you. 9/11 still messes me up - I can't watch any of the shows on the subject or I just lose it. I went to NYC a few years ago and visited the 9/11 Memorial...I was a mess. Can't believe you still look at this old blog, I am so delinquent in keeping it up! Sincere love to you & Bill and if I'm ever in Naples, I'll look you up! Farm and cheese life is great in Michigan - sending you a big hug and thanks again for your sweet message xoxo Sue