Thursday, August 25, 2011

all that Wisconsin cheese

These are the cheeses I brought home from my trip to Wisconsin:

  • a Wisconsin version of Caerphilly, which is traditionally made in Wales, and I've only ever seen in NYC cheese shops.  It's like super creamy Cheddar
  • Dry jack - an aged, smokey Monterray jack cheese made in California - it's one of my faves and hard to find outside mail order
  • Green County is the dairy county of Wisconsin, and they make a sweet Swiss that tastes a lot like Boss Mouse sweet Swiss
  • the red labeled blocks are 2 pounds of Limburger, that fabled, delicious stinky cheese - you will be surprised that you like it and it's not as weird as you think
  • the black wrapped one is a super strong, award winning 4 year old Cheddar
  • a package of the end pieces of smoked Swiss -the best part!
  • bandaged Cheddar - strong, dry and perfect - the cheese is first greased then wrapped in cheesecloth for aging

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