So the little peep that I helped hatch last night was alive this morning, cheeping and alert so I left for work, only to come home and find her close to death. Her siblings were out in the hen yard with Buffy, but she was inside, alone, face down in the bedding. I picked her up, warmed her up and got her to drink some water, which seemed to revive her. I brought her in the house and will nurse her myself, under the heat lamp, with hand feeding. I've been checking her body temperature with my digital cheese thermometer. Poor little thing - send some good healing thoughts her way.
Jimmy Page and the Yardbirds Played a Cincinatti High School Prom
*“Jimmy’s first question was, ‘Why are you dressed like that?’ ” Pelley
told me. “I said, ‘You’re playing at our prom.’ And he said, ‘What the fuck
is a pr...
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