Friday, July 15, 2011

Holman Farm: Summer update

I spent the evening at the Holman cherry farm up on the Mission last night.  My friend Laurie really understands gardening and has a deep connection to things that grow - her love for it pours out of her and shows in her flourishing gardens and farm.  This is her flower and herb garden.

cherry bins

it's true

we hand picked this quart of pinky yellow sweets

a gigantic tub of dark sweets - they are enormous

wild sweet peas 

Laurie's son Cory cultivates a 600 foot patch of pumpkins - it looked like a runway

Laurie's pristine vegetable garden - she grows colorful and interesting varieties of vegetables and they are all so well cared for - tomatoes are carefully staked, the aisles are weed free and she knows what's going on with every single plant.  We talked about how much work a garden takes, how the plants respond to the care you give them. 

Purple cauliflower - stays purple when you cook it

A little row of edible nasturtium

Love ambassador Jenny - let's play log!  Friendliest, happiest dog you've ever met




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